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Employment News | 28 Students from Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology Joining Ston

Time: 2023-11-09  /   View: 290 times

Recently, it is the career selection period for fresh college graduatesIt is also a peak period for enterprises to lock in talent goalsIt can be said that it is the peak season for job seeking and a thriving supply and demand situationAs everyone rushes around at major job fairsWhen wandering through various job search platformsThis group of orchid students is in the golden period of job searchHanded over an answer sheetRecognize positioning, grasp reality, and don't miss the opportunityYou will be the next recipient of the OFF

|About Ston

STON, founded in 2010, is the creator of the national standard for truss robots. The innovative high-power cabinet free control system and space robots have filled the gap at home and abroad, solved the pain points of people around the world, and have the world's largest market share in the field of space robots. They are the global leader in space automation logistics. It took five years to develop an internationally advanced cabinet free control system. The space robot used for large-scale logistics backend sorting adopts a dimensionality reduction strike approach. Encapsulate advanced technology and turn robots into products similar to household appliances.

|HR has something to say

The school's majors meet the needs of enterprise development, have a high degree of matching, and the graduates have strong practical abilities and comprehensive qualities. Some graduates have become the backbone of the enterprise. We look forward to long-term cooperation with your school, seeking common development, and jointly promoting the integration of industry and education.

|Regarding this offer, they said

Wen Ziyi, a graduate majoring in robtics engineering: When facing the life exam of employment, I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers for their careful guidance and to Ston Robot Company for providing high-quality employment opportunities. I am honored to join the team of Ston, which is a new starting point in my life. I will work hard in my new position and strive to become an excellent Ston person as soon as possible.

Wang Qiwen, a graduate majoring in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, sincerely thanks the company leaders and alma mater for providing me with opportunities and platforms. During the time I joined the WeChat group, I deeply felt the company's care and enthusiasm for its employees. I will also actively engage in my work, strive to learn and improve my professional skills, and strive to contribute to the development of the company. I believe that with the careful guidance and support of my leaders and colleagues in the future, I will be able to grow rapidly and create my own value for the company. (Source: Lanzhou University of Information Technology)On our journey to change the world together,May every youthful strength be seen,You, who have unlimited expectations and potentialRush forward together!
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